Part of any mid-year wardrobe clear out should include a thorough reassessing of the day-to-day bag. We tend to fall in love with our handbags, which, unfortunately, often results in their suffering damage from excessive use. Following this line of thought, it’s only logical that investing in a quality, take-anywhere handbag is essential, and having a collection from which to choose, only means your favourite ones will last longer.
Enter Dadelszen. In the spirit of encouraging our obsession with high-end handbags, the purveyors of all things luxury and made-to-measure have created the Cassandra tote as if in answer to our vestiary prayers. Embodying Dadelszen’s overarching ethos of quality, this bag is handmade in Milan from Italian pebbled leather and can be made-to-order. Available with brass or silver-plated brass hardware and an internal pouch for makeup (very important), both the tote and its pouch can be monogrammed, making this piece the perfect personal accessory to add to any burgeoning collection.
Level 1, 34 Customs Street East
Buckland Building
Auckland Central
(09) 216 8760