Whether it’s an extravagant bouquet for a birthday celebration, a beautiful vase filled with dried florals sitting pretty on the kitchen bench or just a bunch to say I love you (or I’m sorry), there’s no denying the feeling one gets when giving and receiving flowers.
Each gesture impossible without the skill and unique vision each florist has (and let’s not forget their speedy delivery services and a knack for card-writing for those missed milestones). These are the creatives who we rely upon for celebrations and making people feel special, who now more than ever, need exactly that — to be celebrated.
Vote for your favourite florists by clicking the button below. And if there’s someone we’ve missed, enter their details into the ‘Other’ section of Question 7.
The Botanist
Brooklyn Flowers
Cartier for Flowers
Flowers After Hours
Flowers of Franklin
Greenpoint Florist
La Femme Fleur
Lu Diamond
Mark Antonia
Nina for Flowers
Rose Tinted Flowers
Simply Flowers on Benson
Wild Poppies
Wonder Florals
Where Rosemary Grows