If there was one thing to fuel your all-day coffee needs, this fresh collab is it.
While we already find it hard enough to sufficiently fuel our desire for all things Lewis Road Creamery related, their enticing collaboration with Coffee Supreme — Fresh Coffee Milk — is satiating our daily coffee requisite in more ways than one. Behold ‘the perfect marriage of milk and coffee’ — an undeniably delicious product, that’s not over sweet, and combines freshly roasted batch-brewed Coffee Supreme with pure whole milk. We’ve taken to preparing the following morning, noon and night.
Morning: The Smoothie
With smoothies at the forefront of our mind when we rise, this easy to prepare elixir makes the prospect of getting out of bed that little bit easier. Add a cup of Lewis Road Fresh Coffee Milk to a blender with half a cup of oats, a few dates, a banana, a dash of vanilla essence, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a cup of ice before blitzing till smooth. Top with coconut shavings and enjoy. The result is a well-rounded wake-up drink sure to put you in good stead for the day ahead.
Noon: Over Ice
Ideal for when the remainder of the day is looking challenging. To kick start an activity packed afternoon, simply smear the inside of a glass with lashing of chocolate spread (Nutella works well), before filling with ice and pouring Lewis Road Fresh Coffee Milk over top. This delicious pick-me-up will inject a little of that well-needed energy and see you the envy of all those who watch you consume it.
Night: Tiramisu Martini
Herein doubling as a potently delicious dessert, we highly suggest you get to mixing 180ml Lewis Road Creamery Fresh Coffee Milk with 60ml Jumping Goat coffee vodka liqueur in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake like you mean it for at least 20 seconds before straining into a martini glass, adding a dollop of whipped Lewis Road cream and a Lady Finger biscuit, before garnishing with chocolate shavings.
Lewis Road Creamery